Gainesville HEMA

Updates (check before every class):

-Class May 4th has been cancelled and its content pushed to next week.

-If you would like to learn and practice with us outside of regular class, you may contact us directly to set-up a meeting for $10.

What We Are;

   We are a HEMA group that functions as a club and a semi-casual school. HEMA is short for Historical European Martial Arts, and for our purposes this means swordfighting. We will be training and doing drills on historical sword fighting techniques based off of historical texts. Our goal is to create a group for those who want to practice authentic swordfighting techniques.

   Currently we offer lessons on German longsword and I.33 sword + buckler. If you're already into HEMA and want to know more specifics of what we will be studying, check out the "About Us" page for more information.

   There is no requirement for equipment or experience to join. If you wish to participate you must be at least 13 and mature enough to wield a sword safely and responsibly. And if you would like to spar you'll need to sign up with the HEMA Alliance and get a membership for $26 a year under the "affiliate membership" option, which also comes with other benefits. ( If you find yourself looking to join up in the long-term we recommend that you get some of your own equipment, which you can find more about in the "Equipment" page.

If you're interested in a solo lesson, we offer them by appointment, just send a email and we can discuss. As long as travel distance isn't too far, I only ask for $10.

We currently meet at Possum Creek Park (4009 NW 53rd Ave, Gainesville, FL 32653 ) on Saturdays between 3:00 P.M. and 5:30 P.M.. For more details, see the "Schedule" page.


(352) 340-3424 (Please leave a message if you get the answering machine, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.)

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